If You Could Date One Movie Character In Real Life, Who Would It Be? Josh Wolf Delivers The Only Correct Choice on Tonight's Answer The Internet

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Listen Answer The Internet is all about forming your own opinion. Its about arguing your point. Its about debate. When we do these “Name a celebrity who…” or “Pick one character from…” theres a million to choose from and you’re entitled to your own opinion. But when you ask about making one movie character come to life, theres a correct answer. Its not a matter of opinion. Its a fact. There is one correct answer, and all other choices from all other movies are wrong. The correct answer, of course, is Jessica Rabbit

And, yes, I did google “Jessica Rabbit upskirt” for you guys. Little perverted Disney Easter Egg for ya on this Thursday evening. Shes the sexiest of all time and shout out to Josh for being extra creepy and thinking about how cartoon characters are probably flexible in the sack.

Old Man Wolf knocked this question, and all the others he faced, out of the park. Extra Credit Points go to Josh for his answer about the weirdest thing hes ever masturbated to. That was some Internet 1.0 type humor and I respect anybody who doesnt give up those jokes to the PC Police

Check out Josh’s old cast mate from Chelsea Lately, Jo Koy:

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